Accomplishing the things we want to in life can seem like an overwhelming objective. Sometimes, that's because we have ambitions that are wildly different from the lifestyles we currently lead, and will take a little more effort than more simplistic visions. For instance, transitioning from social work to cosmetic surgery is a huge leap. Not an impossible one, just a very ambitious undertaking. Other times, this feeling of a goal being unachievable is simply because we have not yet learned what needs to be done to accomplish it. Maybe I want to buy a house, but have no idea where to start or who to ask, so I just give up because the task is so knew it can seem overwhelming. And still there are other times when people don't accomplish their 'dreams' because they haven't even sat down and thought about what they really want! Often we trudge through life doing what we think we're "supposed" to be doing according to our family, professional, or societal culture, but haven't really thought about what it is we want out of life.
Here are some steps to take that can help you get focused, inspired, and motivated to achieve whatever it is you would like to in life.
Step One: What Do You Want?
Accomplishing the things we want to in life can seem like an overwhelming objective. Sometimes, that's because we have ambitions that are wildly different from the lifestyles we currently lead, and will take a little more effort than more simplistic visions. For instance, transitioning from social work to cosmetic surgery is a huge leap. Not an impossible one, just a very ambitious undertaking. Other times, this feeling of a goal being unachievable is simply because we have not yet learned what needs to be done to accomplish it. Maybe I want to buy a house, but have no idea where to start or who to ask, so I just give up because the task is so knew it can seem overwhelming. And still there are other times when people don't accomplish their 'dreams' because they haven't even sat down and thought about what they really want! Often we trudge through life doing what we think we're "supposed" to be doing according to our family, professional, or societal culture, but haven't really thought about what it is we want out of life.
Here are some steps to take that can help you get focused, inspired, and motivated to achieve whatever it is you would like to in life.
Step One: What Do You Want?
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It's pretty hard to give someone directions when they have no idea where they are trying to get to. So, first thing's first: What do you want?
I've often asked people this as a social worker, and you might be surprised at how often I get a blank stare, lots of "Um"-ing, or a flat out "I have no idea!"
A new car? A more professional work environment? To move into a new house? A closer relationship with your family members? To lose weight? More money? To have higher self-esteem?
It might be worth your while to sit down and really think about what you want. Keeping in mind to shy away from what other people think you should have or should be doing. Be a little selfish. What's going to take you to the next level of happiness?
When I decided that I wanted to work in a field where I could have the opportunity to study human behavior and even get a chance to help people along the way, I was ready to move on to the next step.
Step Two: How Can You Make It Happen?

After you know where you want to go, you use Google or some other GPS software to get you there. You research the paths, turns, and exits you need to take to get to your destination.
Do the same with whatever you've decided you want in your life. Through books, social networking, internet searches, other web sites, and radio and television shows you can learn everything you need to about how to get started on the path to accomplishing your goal.
Want to be a cake decorator? You can find hundreds (if not more) of videos on YouTube alone all related to information on how to decorate cakes. There are books about starting a small business that can help you work for yourself, or even web sites dedicated to helping you find a position doing what you love which could help you find a job working for someone else as a cake decorator.
If you want to save up for retirement, look for various methods people have used to do that better and find the one that works best for your situation. Are there retirement accounts that offer more interest than others? Is there a penalty for withdrawing the money within a certain time frame?
Once you have an idea of the steps you need to take, make a list of them so that you have a clear concept of what needs to be done.
In order to do the kind of work that I wanted, I knew I needed at least a bachelor's degree in something related to studying human behavior and I knew I also needed some experience working in the field. How do you get experience when you don't have any (and are therefore very unlikely to actually get paid to work anywhere)? Volunteering, of course. That's how I got my foot in the door at my first job. I was able to do that while I was working on my formal education.
Step Three: Execute
You know where you want to go, you have the directions you need, now it's time to start the car and get moving!
Once you've made your list of what various tasks need to be completed to reach your ultimate goal, all that's left to do is them!
Keep in mind that some lists may have steps that require a longer timeline than a day or two. These would be tasks such as getting a certain certification or license or becoming proficient in a particular trade. Can you become a master welder in a week? Can you learn to speak Spanish fluently in 30 days? Can you save up enough money to visit Europe in three weeks? For some lucky people, the answer may be 'yes'. For others, the answer is 'no', and that okay! Just take your time and, one step at a time, start making your dreams come true!
It took that four years of school and another two years of graduate school before I really settled into the field. That a devoted 6 years! Patience and persistence are key.
Happy accomplishing!
Originally written for and posted at:
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