A social worker's practicum placement is similar to a physician's residency. This is when future social workers have a chance to get their feet wet in this helping profession. However, there are many pitfalls that it's helpful to avoid along the journey that is social work practicum.
Waiting until a few weeks before placements being in order to start setting up interviews for your social work practicum site has multiple risks involved.
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2. You could start the interview and selection processes late, meaning you could start your practicum late. This could lead to you ending up having to work extra hard to squeeze in your weekly practicum hours quota in the first week or two of your practicum placement. This added stress is not a great way to start your practicum experience or school year.
3. Sites have most likely been notified of when they should hear from students and have a deadline for making their final selections. If you start asking for interviews towards the end of this process, you can be seen as unprofessional, disorganized, and unmotivated.
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