Not treating your practicum interview like a job interview (i.e., not taking it seriously) includes not arriving on time, not dressing appropriately, and not having an understanding of how your presence at the agency would be a benefit for them (besides the possibility of free labor). Some agencies may even ask you the same questions they would ask of an employment candidate.
Share your practicum interview experience on Twitter!
Feel free to use general job interview tips to get an idea of how to prepare. Don't forget to offer the interviewers a copy of your POLISHED resume. I once had a potential placement hand in a resume with the word 'education' spelled incorrectly (*sigh*). Go to the writing center at your university or have some people (yes, I mean more than one human) with literary savvy look over your resume for mistakes.
SHAMELESS PLUG: Don't forget that I'm available for such projects for just $2 per page. Email me ( your resume, I'll send you a PayPal invoice when I'm done, and email you the polished copy when I get your payment. EASY! :D